
Another thing people may want to do is to limit the output based on the corresponding sum (or any other aggregate functions). For example, we might want to see only the stores with sales over $1,500. Instead of using the WHERE clause in the SQL statement, though, we need to use the HAVING clause, which is reserved for aggregate functions. The HAVING clause is typically placed near the end of the SQL statement, and a SQL statement with the HAVING clause may or may not include the GROUP BY clause. The syntax for HAVING is,

SELECT "column_name1", SUM("column_name2")
FROM "table_name"
GROUP BY "column_name1"
HAVING (arithmetic function condition)

Note: the GROUP BY clause is optional.

In our example, table Store_Information,

Table Store_Information

Los Angeles$1500Jan-05-1999
San Diego$250Jan-07-1999
Los Angeles$300Jan-08-1999

we would type,

SELECT store_name, SUM(sales)
FROM Store_Information
GROUP BY store_name
HAVING SUM(sales) > 1500


store_name   SUM(Sales)
Los Angeles   $1800

Next: SQL Alias